Open positions

PhD Students

If you are interested in joining the lab as a PhD student, the first step is to apply for admission to Caltech’s PhD program in Electrical Engineering, Computation and Neural Systems, Computer Science, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, or Control and Dynamical Systems. Application forms and other useful information may be found on Caltech’s graduate admissions page. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond individually to all inquiries from prospective graduate students. Instead, please mention the Computational Vision Group or Professor Perona in your statement of purpose.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

If you are interested in an undergraduate research position in the lab, please send your CV to Caroline Murphy ( Our lab members often work with the SURF, WAVE, and FSRI programs. We have limited bandwith for SURFS Summer 2025 and so are no longer accepting applications. We are unable to reply to applicants individually becauase of the number of applicants this season.